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Self-determination – and now?

Self-determination – and now?

The current debate on assisted suicide I. State of affairs In a ruling on 13 March 2024, the Federal Supreme Court acquitted the doctor and Vice President of Exit Western Switzerland, Pierre Beck. In 2017, he had helped an 86-year-old woman of sound mind to commit...
The serious case peace – On the war in Ukraine

The serious case peace – On the war in Ukraine

Theological and ethical considerations 1. Introduction Wars are waged by all means, including with the help of statistics. Figures can give a first impression of the dimensions. According to British estimates, around 70,000 Russian soldiers and mercenaries have been...
“In the world you will have tribulation. But …”

“In the world you will have tribulation. But …”

Freedom and security from a theological and ethical perspective 1. Introduction “In the beginning there was fear: fear of enemies, strangers, wild animals, natural disasters; and the resulting need for security. A prerequisite for security is protection. This...