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Ascension Day

Ascension Day

Ascension Day ekes out a shadowy existence among the emotional and moving festivals of the church year. Wrongly so, says Stephan Jütte: without Ascension, Christianity would have remained a sect among others. “For to us a child is born” – “Oh...
Is sexual orientation a religious conviction?

Is sexual orientation a religious conviction?

About “conversion therapies” 1. Clarification of terms The much-cited “new complexity”, originally diagnosed by Jürgen Habermas, also applies to the areas of sex and gender. The impossibility of conclusive (objective) gender definitions follows...
Defiant power Easter

Defiant power Easter

Guest article by Rita Famos in the “Kirchenbote interkantonal” They wanted to kill him. Back then, in Jerusalem. “They” were the powers that be in religion and politics. The occupying power nailed him to the cross. Together with criminals....
Talking about “God” in a Protestant way

Talking about “God” in a Protestant way

How can Protestants talk about God? I was confronted with this question in the context of a working group of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe, which dealt with the topic of “Christian speaking of God”. The results of our work have yet to be...